Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Refleksi Hari Ke-3 16 Mac 2011

Hari ini semua guru mempelajari Modul 5 (Assessing Student Project) dan Modul 6 (Planning for Student Success). Hari yang memenatkan tetapi semua peserta kursus telah memberi kerjasama untuk menyempurnakan kedua-dua modul dengan menanya soalan apabila menghadapi kekeliruan. Saya berharap semua guru dapat memberi komen-komen supaya kami dapat membantu para peserta dalam menguasai kursus ini.

Lastly, keep up the good work!


  1. Thanks to Madam Ikbal and Madam Yong for the sharing:) I feel happy that my partner and l finally finish our unit plan:)but don know whether it is correct or not:p

  2. Thanks to Mdm Ikbar and Mdm Yong for their clear explaination and guidance today...Today is a tiring day but it's good to get a clearer picture on planning assessment for students' project...Now still struggling in completing the UNIT PLAN and in the process of editing assessment and unit support. Anyway,i will try my best :)

  3. Finally we have done our assessments. Hope that our unit plan have fulfilled the requirement.
    Thanks again to all facilitators ^^

  4. Alhamdulillah...kursus hari ini berjalan lancar walaupun kemuskilan dalam menyelesaikan suatu tugasan (rubrik)..namun, tugasan tersebut dapat diselesaikan walaupun mengambil masa yang sangat lama untuk menyiapkannya. Terima kasih kepada fasilitator yang banyak membantu dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi...

  5. hari ini berusaha untuk menyiapkan unit plan.....berjaya menyiapkan rubric...

  6. hari ini belajar banyak bende baru...terima kasih atas bimbingan fasilatator...suka dengar madam ikbal dan cg yong pow pey cakap...jelas dan mudah di fahami..tengkiu juga pada mdm sawaran...tapi masih belum siap..

  7. Alhamdulillah, thanks God, all part already complete 90 %,for 1 day remain, we will try to complete everything. Thanks to all fasi for guidance.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Special thanks to all the facilitators in guiding us..... we have learn a lot....hopefully what we are doing are on track and correct.....

    From: Yong and Chen

  10. A lot of things need to be done today..tiring

  11. thanks to all the facilitators..all the knowledge and information were very useful for our group to complete the unit plan..thanks...

  12. salam...
    hari ini masa berlalu terlalu pantas, mungkin sebab banyak keje masih tak siap kot tadi:-)))
    tapi now dah siap dah pun...
    rigth now, "edit n add" time only:-)))
    feel so happy coz tomorrow is last day for this PBL, but feel sad also, coz tak dapat tengok pow pei teach us lagi:-)))

  13. Connection was quite not good this 2 days, sort of behind of module. Only by today, I can fully concentrate on doing students sample and assessment. Thanks again for our lovely facilitators. Well, my eyes hurt and tiring because kept on facing laptop by hours.

  14. Pn Chang and her team are doing very well these three days. Keep it up.

  15. formative n summative assessement... then i sudah pening already, but i try my best to finish it :)

  16. module kali ini lebih mencabar dan lebih menimbulkan kekeliruan dan ramai yang pening2. tetapi berkat kesabaran fasi membantu dalam menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan menyebabkan tahap kefahaman saya semakin baik. semoga saya betul2 dapat memahaminya walaupun sukar sebab tidak ada benda yang senang di dunia ini.. dan kali ini unit plan juga berjaya disiapkan. mungkin perlu tambah sedikit pembaikan kot..:)

  17. slmat pagi...smlm terlupa nak buat refleksi...pembelajaran semalam ok cuma ada sesetengah bahagian yg x boleh fasi byk menolong...tima kasih fasi....

  18. Sungguh indah...hari ceria...Seceria PBL...

  19. fasi banyak membantu menyelesaikan tugasan

  20. tugasan semalam mencabar jugak...kena tengok unit plan.Terima kasih juga kpd Mdm Sawaran bagi idea dan baiki EQ....

  21. planning for student success = mdm iqbal kaur
    sgt penting utk dikuasai spy guru tdk terlepas pandang kpd setiap jenis tahap pelajar
    assessment = mdm yong pow pey
    pelbagai bentuk penilaian boleh dilakukan sama ada formatif atau sumatif

  22. We have learn a lot by today.....
    we say sorry if we have done anything wrong.....
    Thanks a lot for the comments from facilitators...

    From: Chen & Yong

  23. Finally i finish my PBL.Thanks to all the facilitators for helping us in this PBL:)

  24. Presentation done!, We got a lot of comments and need to do improvement in our unit plan especially, Anyways thanks a lot to all fasi..
